Our training courses are relevant and up to date.
Why we are qualified to write the material.
We are subject matter experts and have been rewriting material for more than one training provider since the first Customs Border Flagship was launched in 2014. We then realised that material is not up-to-date and do not address the specific outcomes and assessment criteria. (See “About Us on www.itacs.co.za ).
General overview of the subject matter and content of Unit Standards and more information ((eg: This course contains the latest amendments to the Customs Control Act and the Customs Duty Act )
We have recently rewritten all the NQF-3 Customs Unit Standards in the following order:
US 252416 – Describe and apply the current and new SA Customs legislation;
US 252434 – Classify commodities according to customs tariff ;
US 252414 – Calculated Customs values;
US 252421 – Calculate duties on tax payable on internationally traded goods; and
US 252425 – Frame and submit customs declarations and carrier release documentation.
Who are we writing our course material for?
Our accredited courses are written for accredited training providers who are our main clients. We are also accredited assessors and facilitators and Gary Robertson is an accredited moderator. The courses are however guidelines, and we are able to adapt courses for importers, exporters and customs brokers, attorneys and auditors.
Although ITaCS’ material are aimed at the Southern African Customs Union market (Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, Swaziland and South Africa) many of the unit standards are generic or of an international nature and the material can be used in or by other markets as well.
Good quality training material
For detail on current courses available please click on the appropriate link